Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Recent Cravings

Last night on my way home from work, I had thought..."Loaded Baked Potato" would be yum in my tummy! So, I made my way through the drive through at Wendy's and ordered the potato that listed the most ingredients. This was the picture before within seconds in was in my stomach.

Before lunch today, I thought a sandwich (toasted) with mayonnaise, bananna slices, peanut butter sounded so very, very great! To report: It was even better than great!

First Gift

We received our first baby gift from Ron and Catherine Dozier. Too sweet of them and love the warm thoughts of our unborn baby girl. First, this unique sign which will be placed in a special place.

Some cute little head wraps.

I took this picture of Cooper who placed the little socks near his own feet.

He was too sweet wanting to then put the gifts and bag in the baby room.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Painting Baby Girl's Room

We removed all furniture (for now) to prepare the baby's girl room. I say "for now" because we're not sure if we're going to put crib in room yet. Cooper's crib will be used and he will getting into a toddler bed for the 1st time. We were given two twin bed frames from Chris parents. They were used in Chris grandmother's house. Chris said he used to sleep on the beds when he would spend the night at her house. One bed was refinished already. We just need twin mattress to go on the bed and Chris will built the rails (or we'll buy them) for the bed so Cooper won't fall out. So, we might just use baby girl's room as the guest room until twin beds are established. Mary and Chris are coming in a few weeks for the weekend so it will be nice for them to have the room to sleep in and Noah as well!

Cooper wanted to help out as much as he could with painting his sister's room. Cooper is already protective of his sister. Today I told Cooper "to be careful with Smokey while he's sleeping because he might not like it". Cooper understood and said "Smokey not bite me or sister's" looking at me and my stomach. Too cute. Baby sweet girl you already have your big brother looking after you.

Before painting.

After painting and molding put up. Just need to stream clean carpet and caulk the molding.

Crib will going on this wall and will designing the wall as the accent wall. Not sure what type of design yet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yeah!! We found out our baby is a GIRL!! I wish I could have taken a picture of Chris's face when it was announced "your baby is a girl. Those are girl parts." It was a priceless moment. Chris was holding my jacket and could not take his lower half of his face out from jacket. He would pull the jacket down away from his mouth ever so often and say: "I knew it, but I can't believe its actually true".

My reaction "are you sure?" through tears of sheer joy. The ultrasound nurse said, "yes, I'm 99.9% sure she's a girl and if not I will come and repaint your nursery myself".

Chris and I both were happy to hear she's healthy and measuring right to date: March 6, 2010 due date. I left Chris to go by and get some supper before picking up Cooper and couldn't help take some pictures of "girl stuff".

It might be a couple of years due to slow hair growth with Cooper's recent 2nd haircut and being 2 1/2 years old. Baby girl might have to wait for a couple of years to wear.

She will be a Carolina Gamecock Girl!!

Possible baby girl's room theme.

Paint colors for room.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Movements

Finally, sweet baby I could feel you move! Today is Thursday, October 15, 2009 and your movement was felt Tuesday night. I was in the bed on my back and I could feel a "flutter". I told Chris who was just turning the lights off to go to bed and he immediately put his head on my stomach. I could tell his head was right on top of you. Soon after I Chris put his head on my stomach I could feel you "flutter" again. Chris lifted his head off my stomach and said "was that it?" I said "yes" smiling ear to ear. Chris putting his head back down on my stomach said, "I could feel that". Chris went on to say "hey baby...this is your daddy". We could feel you "flutter" some more and we both were so happy. I was so happy to share this moment with your Daddy. He's also my heart's reflection.

Your parents. Looking as natural as can be before bed listening to you and talking about your arrival.

Your happy Daddy.

Your happy Mom trying to take a photo of herself. Pretty good. At least I have my entire face in the shot!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Yes, this has been the only thing that really, really taste so good going down my throat! I never thought I would "love" lemonade. Lemonade is my best friend. When I was pregnant with Cooper I couldn't drink enough orange juice. Cooper now loves orange juice. I'm sure this baby will love lemonade! I also read the baby can really hear now and encourages talking. So baby...I love you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Heart's Reflection

Yes, lately at work I've been putting my head in the freezer. This occurs in the mornings. I stand a lot at work and I think standing in the mornings for a long period of time just isn't working with my nausea. I haven't actually experienced morning sickness just the feeling like I'm going to get sick or pass out. I didn't experience this with Cooper. So, this is something new. I thought I would be over this feeling "sick" but not yet.

Its actually amusing to me to find myself coming out of a sudden heat flash of nausea, with my entire head in the freezer; while looking at the ice cubes trays. I have one of the girls actually see me in the mist hurrying to the freezer door say, "Dorothy, you look white as a ghost". This happened before I actually announced I was pregnant. She asked me and I said yes. She asked if I was taking anything and I said B6.

She suggested sipping on a can of Coke to help relieving my nausea . So, even this morning I opened a Coke and slowly took sips throughout the morning. For some reason, this helps! I'm so happy it does!

Well, baby I know you're in there and full of life so that makes me smile and happy! Yes, I realize this even when I'm feeling sick and when I'm smiling at myself while in the freezer.

I dedicate this picture to you, my sweet baby. One day, I will meet you, my Heart's Reflection.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

18 Weeks

Wow! Hard to believe in 2 weeks I'll be at the half way mark of this pregnancy. Also, October 19th is arriving soon! Plus, I received a call this past week the quad-screen blood test I had done on September 24th was "normal". A quad-screening test if baby might have Down syndrome. Also, the test can help rule out other problems, like neural-tube defects. Since, the quad-screen was preformed and I still have a mark. This is not unusually.

The easiest way describe my veins is to a leaf. If you have ever picked up a leaf, one of the first things you will notice is that you can see a pattern of leaf veins on the surface. To a plant, this pattern of veins s similar to the circulatory system. Leaf veins are more correctly referred to as vascular bundles. There are two types of veins, I have veins where the major veins spread out close to the edge of the "leaf", but turn away before they actually reach the edge. These main veins all move in different directions to the "leaf edge". Which means when even before injection of the syringe, my veins are hard to find because they are moving. I have given blood and have had a needle trying to chase down my vein while the needle was still in my arm. Extremely uncomfortable. I know now to ask before being injected if the person has been doing this is "an expert". I don't feel bad for it now because it helps the person doing the sticking not "feel bad" for not believing me. I have had the front of my hand "stuck" because my veins in my arm just weren't available for use. This sweet baby could have veins like myself or even Cooper. Either way, this knowledge might be helpful.