Monday, March 15, 2010

Going Home

Before Chris and Cooper arrived to take Lily Grace and I home, the photographer from the hospital took some pictures. The photographer had Lily Grace posed for her camera and I had to take some shots too. Here are some shots I took a couple of minutes before going home. She's so beautiful and perfect!! Its so hard to describe how much I love her!

This is Cooper so excited to see his "baby sister".

This is Lily Grace before getting into the car for the 1st time.

Granny and Papa were excited to meet Lily Grace. They watched Cooper for us while we were at the hospital.

Our precious angel!

First 24 hours

Starting drinking no more than 20 ounces every 3-4hours.

This was placed for security. We were told to stay close to the wall especially near the elevators or the alarm system would go off. I did hear an alarm go off at one point and then received a phone asking if I had my baby. I said, "yes" and was later told it was a false alarm.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

More First Moments

A couple of minutes after 6:05 p.m.on Thursday, February 25th.

I remember looking at this portable station off and on all day and trying to picture the baby inside me lying here.

Already pretending she's talking on the phone.