Friday, January 29, 2010

Almost 35 Weeks

Wow! Its hard to believe the end is near. Soon hopefully in a few weeks and not sooner Lily Grace will be here. Here's her name above her crib.

This took some time. Chris was great helping. I tried to tie the bow but it didn't look right. Chris suggested making the bows separately. He actually created the bow pattern! Yes, with geometry on his side, he had dots blotted out on the ribbon where to fold over. I told Chris he would probably be great putting ribbons in Lily Grace's hair too!

Inside of crib. Blanket made by Nanny for Lily Grace. Beautiful!

One side of room.

The bag! Yes, this will be the baby's hospital diaper bag. Not yet packed but ready. I joked with Chris about this being big enough for a diaper bag. I don't know. (:

More to come soon.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I wanted to open with this..."Blooming Beauty". This reminds me of Lily Grace growing everyday. She is the "blooming beauty" that is a part of me.

Before pregnancy, I took extra folic acid, one a day women's, extra calcium, fish oil with Omega 3's, and B-complex. I switched to Prenatal Vitamins when I found out I was pregnant.

Even though Prenatal Vitamins contain the essential nutrients necessary for mommy and baby, studies show more supplements added during pregnancy and after pregnancy can be helpful.
I started taking 1 fish oil every other day, during the last trimester. The prenatal vitamins have Omega-3's which is the fish oil but I and Lily Grace could benefit from extra. I did some research and found the following: Omega-3's are "important during the final trimester, when your baby uses Omega 3 to form about 70% of his or her brain, nervous system and retinas" (Web MD).

I take 1 B-complex everyday,"essential for cell metabolism and central nervous system maintenance" (Web MD).

I take 2 of Calcium with D. "Calcium during pregnancy can prevent a new mother from losing her own bone density, as the foetus uses the mineral for bone growth." (wed-md)

Recently the protocol for vitamin D levels have gone up. I received a call telling me my Vitamin D level was right under the new recommended dosage. Even with my prenatal vitamins and my extra calcium, my blood work showed I needed even more Vitamin D. My doctor put me on a weekly Vitamin D (5,000iu's). She said this should also help with my fatigue.

My doctor said with new recommended dosage of Vitamin D, after Lily Grace is born I should continue to take Vitamin D-1,000 iu's.

Speaking of fatigue, I've been on an Iron prescription since Thanksgiving. I was told I was anemia. "Amemia is a low level of red blood cells that can cause fatigue and other symptoms" (Web MD) Iron can help with anemia.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bedroom Update

The room is coming together. Hopefully will have finally room set-up soon. This is Chris putting up letter above crib.

Cooper during the letter hanging.

Closet, not yet organized and changing station. We're using a dresser given to us. It has a mirror that goes above it but not yet placed. More to come soon.