Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This is your first Thanksgiving sharing with your cousin Gabriel Matthew. You will be a few months younger. Aunt Mary is 34 weeks in this photo and your mommy is 25 weeks.

Lily Grace this is from your Aunt Mary. I have to say its amazing your going to wearing this soon.

Helping your brother Cooper hanging decorations on the tree.

Pregnant and happy!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Little Line Dresses

Aunt Patty's friend gave us some little girl dresses and some play clothes (most are for 18-24 months old). I just loves seeing the dresses blowing in the wind. Something on the inside was smiling bigger than my outside smile. Lily Grace will be a little princess!

Cooper wanted to help take the dresses down to take home.

Cooper is so sweet. He'll say: "baby sister in mommy's tummy".

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Glucose Drink

Doctor's appointment on Tuesday was the Glucose test. I had to drink around a 9 oz fruit punch flavored drink but textured like orange juice. I have to say it wasn't the flavor that was bad but the texture. I figured the quicker I get my "breakfast" down the better. I say "breakfast" because I wasn't supposed to eat anything after mid-night.

However, I spoke with Mary, concerning her glucose test and her doctor told her to eat a normal breakfast but not something loaded with sugar like fruit loops. She said that way the test would be accurate to your diet. So, I ate a light breakfast, raisin bran crunch. I then had to wait an hour for my blood to be drawn and then sent off to the lab. I would receive a call within 2 days for the results.

During this wait progress, I met with the doctor. I have to rotate with all the doctors just in case one might be the delivery doctor. I told Dr. Goode I was experiencing tightness in my abdomen throughout any given day. She asked a few questions and it was determined I was probably experiencing Braxton Hicks. This is common more with a 2nd pregnancy and even more with the 3rd and so on. I was told the following: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor

Braxton Hicks vs True Labor

Contractions don't get closer together........Contractions do get closer together.
Contractions don't get stronger...............Contractions do get stronger.
Contractions tend to be felt only in front...Contractions tend to be felt all over.
Contractions don't last longer....................Contractions do last longer.
Walking has no effect on contractions..Walking makes the contractions stronger.
Cervix doesn't change w/ contractions....Cervix opens & thins w/ contractions.

I was told to try and drink more water as well. I had spoken with Mary the night before and she told me about the amount of water she consumed and it helped her, in general, feel good. I knew I needed to work on my water intake. So, this has been my right hand when possible.

I left the doctor's office and started my water intake. I don't know if it was the sugar rush from the glucose drink or what but I felt horrible the rest of the day. I stopped by K-mart and almost passed out. I had to sit down and ate some raisins, water and crackers. That helped some but the rest of work day I had an extremely bad headache and just felt a little sick. I ended up taking a Tylenol and going to bed early.

Today, I was able to drink 4 bottles and felt a little better with the tightness issue. I received a call telling me the glucose test was normal!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stork's Parking Spot

I have to say we did park here the other day. I was tired and it was cold outside. Part of me felt guilty for parking in this parking spot. I guess my feelings were mostly about being thankful for being able to walk and I was very much capable of walking. Not to mention I can remember a time when I couldn't walk and I told myself I would never take walking for granted. Part of me was happy for being able to park in this spot. I was carry a baby. A baby girl that would one day I would be able to hold and call my own. I pray for her life already. I pray she will live for God's desire for her life. God already has her life planned and I pray she will choose his plan. Also, I pray she will understand and never lose sight that God is always faithful.

Baby Girl's Name

After many different thoughts, feelings and prayers we have decided on a name.
Baby Girl Name: Lily Grace Collins

There are several reasons for this name. We both wanted a "different" name. Chris said he liked me before we met because of my name, Dorothy. "It is different and unique," Chris said. Also, we wanted a name with meaning. This baby is a miracle from God already. The fact she has survived so much and has continued to live and grow is a blessing.

I took this picture not too long ago and it reminded me of how simple life can be when reflected on God's blessing. Because he shares his love from above, I call this picture: Angel's Heart Wings.

For fun we both looked our names up and here are the meanings...

Dorothy: "It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "gift of God". Theodora is its synonym. Literary: the heroine of Frank Baum's "The Wonderful World of Oz", published in 1900. Writers Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Sayers; actresses Dorothy Gish, Dorothy Lamour.

Chris means "followers of the Christ. The Biblical baby name Christian is Greek in origin and it's meaning is followers of the Christ, the anointed one. Christian was the name given by the Greeks or Romans to the followers of Jesus Christ. The term Christian was first used at Antioch." In the baby hunt biblical baby name search was done.

This is the meaning of Lily...

Origin - Latin. Lily is a symbol of purity and resurrection. In his sermon on Mount Hermon, Jesus used the lily as an example of why people should trust in God (Luke 12:27). The prophet Hosea also used the lily as an example of God's grace.

Grace was chosen after church service this past Sunday. We sang "Amazing Grace" and both realized it was our favorite hymn. "Amazing Grace" one of few songs Chris will sing loud and proud in several different keys.

This is the meaning of Grace...

The Biblical baby name Grace is Latin in origin and it's meaning is favor or benevolence (disposition to do good).

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast.

I feel calling her Lily Grace will be my choice. I love the way both names sound together!