However, I spoke with Mary, concerning her glucose test and her doctor told her to eat a normal breakfast but not something loaded with sugar like fruit loops. She said that way the test would be accurate to your diet. So, I ate a light breakfast, raisin bran crunch. I then had to wait an hour for my blood to be drawn and then sent off to the lab. I would receive a call within 2 days for the results.
During this wait progress, I met with the doctor. I have to rotate with all the doctors just in case one might be the delivery doctor. I told Dr. Goode I was experiencing tightness in my abdomen throughout any given day. She asked a few questions and it was determined I was probably experiencing Braxton Hicks. This is common more with a 2nd pregnancy and even more with the 3rd and so on. I was told the following: Braxton Hicks vs. True Labor
Braxton Hicks vs True Labor
Contractions don't get closer together........Contractions do get closer together.
Contractions don't get stronger...............Contractions do get stronger.
Contractions tend to be felt only in front...Contractions tend to be felt all over.
Contractions don't last longer....................Contractions do last longer.
Walking has no effect on contractions..Walking makes the contractions stronger.
Cervix doesn't change w/ contractions....Cervix opens & thins w/ contractions.
I was told to try and drink more water as well. I had spoken with Mary the night before and she told me about the amount of water she consumed and it helped her, in general, feel good. I knew I needed to work on my water intake. So, this has been my right hand when possible.
I left the doctor's office and started my water intake. I don't know if it was the sugar rush from the glucose drink or what but I felt horrible the rest of the day. I stopped by K-mart and almost passed out. I had to sit down and ate some raisins, water and crackers. That helped some but the rest of work day I had an extremely bad headache and just felt a little sick. I ended up taking a Tylenol and going to bed early.
Today, I was able to drink 4 bottles and felt a little better with the tightness issue. I received a call telling me the glucose test was normal!
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