Saturday, February 20, 2010


Lily Grace's room is almost complete. I thought making her lamp shade was the best way to go. I've looked for a lamp but really didn't see any that fit the style of the room. I decided it was best and cost a lot less to become crafty. This is the start of the lamp shade with style. I have to say the lamp shade turned out better than my hair style in this shot!

Another idea and I don't know if I'll have time to complete before Lily Grace arrives...I want to frame some of my flower pictures for her room. I want to include the title and meanings. So many pictures have been an inspiration from above. For example, this another shot I took of Chris Valentine flowers. I call this "God Alone". I've had to trust in God alone with my worries and concerns.

1 comment:

  1. I think hanging up the pictures of the flowers is a WONDERFUL idea! I love your flower shots!
