Sunday, October 4, 2009

18 Weeks

Wow! Hard to believe in 2 weeks I'll be at the half way mark of this pregnancy. Also, October 19th is arriving soon! Plus, I received a call this past week the quad-screen blood test I had done on September 24th was "normal". A quad-screening test if baby might have Down syndrome. Also, the test can help rule out other problems, like neural-tube defects. Since, the quad-screen was preformed and I still have a mark. This is not unusually.

The easiest way describe my veins is to a leaf. If you have ever picked up a leaf, one of the first things you will notice is that you can see a pattern of leaf veins on the surface. To a plant, this pattern of veins s similar to the circulatory system. Leaf veins are more correctly referred to as vascular bundles. There are two types of veins, I have veins where the major veins spread out close to the edge of the "leaf", but turn away before they actually reach the edge. These main veins all move in different directions to the "leaf edge". Which means when even before injection of the syringe, my veins are hard to find because they are moving. I have given blood and have had a needle trying to chase down my vein while the needle was still in my arm. Extremely uncomfortable. I know now to ask before being injected if the person has been doing this is "an expert". I don't feel bad for it now because it helps the person doing the sticking not "feel bad" for not believing me. I have had the front of my hand "stuck" because my veins in my arm just weren't available for use. This sweet baby could have veins like myself or even Cooper. Either way, this knowledge might be helpful.

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