Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yeah!! We found out our baby is a GIRL!! I wish I could have taken a picture of Chris's face when it was announced "your baby is a girl. Those are girl parts." It was a priceless moment. Chris was holding my jacket and could not take his lower half of his face out from jacket. He would pull the jacket down away from his mouth ever so often and say: "I knew it, but I can't believe its actually true".

My reaction "are you sure?" through tears of sheer joy. The ultrasound nurse said, "yes, I'm 99.9% sure she's a girl and if not I will come and repaint your nursery myself".

Chris and I both were happy to hear she's healthy and measuring right to date: March 6, 2010 due date. I left Chris to go by and get some supper before picking up Cooper and couldn't help take some pictures of "girl stuff".

It might be a couple of years due to slow hair growth with Cooper's recent 2nd haircut and being 2 1/2 years old. Baby girl might have to wait for a couple of years to wear.

She will be a Carolina Gamecock Girl!!

Possible baby girl's room theme.

Paint colors for room.

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