Friday, October 23, 2009

Painting Baby Girl's Room

We removed all furniture (for now) to prepare the baby's girl room. I say "for now" because we're not sure if we're going to put crib in room yet. Cooper's crib will be used and he will getting into a toddler bed for the 1st time. We were given two twin bed frames from Chris parents. They were used in Chris grandmother's house. Chris said he used to sleep on the beds when he would spend the night at her house. One bed was refinished already. We just need twin mattress to go on the bed and Chris will built the rails (or we'll buy them) for the bed so Cooper won't fall out. So, we might just use baby girl's room as the guest room until twin beds are established. Mary and Chris are coming in a few weeks for the weekend so it will be nice for them to have the room to sleep in and Noah as well!

Cooper wanted to help out as much as he could with painting his sister's room. Cooper is already protective of his sister. Today I told Cooper "to be careful with Smokey while he's sleeping because he might not like it". Cooper understood and said "Smokey not bite me or sister's" looking at me and my stomach. Too cute. Baby sweet girl you already have your big brother looking after you.

Before painting.

After painting and molding put up. Just need to stream clean carpet and caulk the molding.

Crib will going on this wall and will designing the wall as the accent wall. Not sure what type of design yet.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the room!!! Beautiful colors!! Also LOVE how Cooper is already being protective!! Reminds me of how Matthew was when I was little and how he is now!! He is going to be a great big brother.
